Innovation Scholarship Application Form
The Foundation for the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASFCCC) is proud to offer scholarships to professional development opportunities for faculty to help expand their understanding of best practices, apply them at their local colleges, and share those results with the field and college. Special consideration will be given to applications that enhance and support IDEA (Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-racism).
Any faculty (full- and part- time faculty) from all disciplines are encouraged to apply. The scholarship awarded to the selected faculty will cover the cost of registration up to $1500. Eligible conference or event include workshops, classes, webinars, institutes, and conferences that are organized by a recognized and reputable organization.
In order for applications to be processed in time, applicants must submit their scholarship application no less than 8 weeks prior to the start of the conference/event. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis up to April 30th each year, and applicants will be notified 4 weeks prior to the start of the conference/event whether they will receive funding to attend. The number of scholarships awarded per academic year are subject to availability of funds for the ASFCCC. An application for the scholarship does not guarantee awarding of the funds.
Please direct any questions to Krystinne Mica, executive director.