The work of the Foundation would not be possible without the ongoing support we receive from our donors and sponsors. The generosity of compassionate individuals and organizations provides access to continuing quality programs, effective training, and fundamental research that directly serves over 60,000 faculty members- all for the movement to further the success of California community colleges.
Interested in becoming a supporter? Please contact: or by phone (916) 445-4753.
Monthly Ongoing Giving
Juan Arzola
Julie Bruno
Claire Coyne
Stephanie Curry
Nancy Persons
Craig Rutan
Individual Donations 2024-25
Mardi A Parelman
Erin A Thomas
Mona Abdoun
Cheryl Aschenbach
Nicholas B Petti
Elise Baker
Sarah Barsness
Kimberly Bell
Thomas Berry
Nicole Block
Charlene BrewerSmith
Julie Bruno
Davena Burns-Peters
Christine Charles
Karen Chow
Sunita Cooke
Michelle Corselli
Alicia Cota
Dan Crump
Stephanie Curry
Erik D Reese
Marvin DaCosta
David Eck
Mark Edward Osea
Monica Esquivel
Sarah Frid
Ekaterina Fuchs
Jane Gazale
Lewis Goldstein
Frank Gonzalez
Andrea Hecht
Christopher Howerton
Jerome Hunt
Andrew J Hoffman
Heidi Kozlowski
Tara Kubicka-Miller
Luke Lara
Erin Lawley
Jacob Lenerville
Kelli Leydecker
Alexis Litzky
Perla Lopez
Claire M Coyne
Jessy M Lemieux
Joan M Rettinger
Cherise Mantia
Paul Martin
Meridyth McLaren
Ariane Metz
Jane Montgomery
Dolores Ortiz
Mary Pape
LaTonya Parker
Nancy Persons
Lori Petite
Rebecca Plaza
Ronald R Dolbin
Carrie Roberson
Amy Ross
Craig Rutan
Sharon Sampson
Wanda Schindler
Joshua Scott
Caitlin Serpa
Gampi Shankar
Adrianna Simone
Sukhjit Singh
Ronald Slabbinck
Michael Stewart
Kimberley Stiemke
John Stover III
Lori Sundgren
Tatiana Vasquez
Voltaire Villanueva
Michelle Vogel Trautt
Eric Wada
Lindsay Weiler
Richard Weinroth
Todd Windisch
Erik Woodbury
Ashley Young
MariaJose Zeledon