
Research in Education

The ASFCCC entertains and recommends to the ASCCC Executive Committee proposals for research on issues related to academic and professional matters.  The Executive Committee will review and consider for approval all Foundation research proposal recommendations. Time permitting, all research outcomes (papers–both draft and final, presentation materials, messaging, etc.) will be reviewed by the Foundation and the Executive Committee for appropriateness prior to public release. If time does not permit, then the presidents of the ASFCCC, ASCCC, and the Executive Director will review the material for appropriateness.

Full-time Faculty and Student Success

 The AS Foundation – in partnership with FACCC — will be conducting a literature review about the impact of full-time faculty on student success. The literature review will provide the basis for a grant to conduct further research in this area.

Hiring Diverse Faculty:

 The AS Foundation will be conducting a literature review on effective practices for hiring diverse faculty in community colleges. The literature review will provide the basis for a grant to conduct further research in this area.

If you are interested in participating in these important research projects, please email