
Roles and Responsibilities for President

The president is responsible for ensuring that the Board of Directors are aware of and fulfill their
governance responsibilities, comply with applicable laws and bylaws, conduct board business effectively and efficiently, and are accountable for their performance.
In order to fulfill these responsibilities, and subject to the Foundation’s bylaws, the President presides over meetings, proposes policies and practices, sits on various committees, monitors the performance of Directors and Officers, provides reports to the Foundation board, to the ASCCC Executive Committee, to funders, and to other stakeholders; proposes the creation of committees; appoints members to such committees; and performs other duties as the need arises and/or as defined in the bylaws.


Because the Foundation President is appointed by the Academic Senate Executive Committee, the
Foundation President is accountable to the ASCCC President and Executive Committee. The Foundation President works in concert with the ASCCC President and Executive Director to set the strategic plan and vision for the Foundation. All fundraising plans and grant solicitation and receipt for the Foundation are reviewed and guided by the ASCCC President.

The President is accountable to the Board of Directors as specified in the Foundation bylaws. The
President may delegate specific duties to the Executive Director, Board members and/or committees as appropriate; however, the accountability for them remains with the President.

Specific Duties


The President ensures that an agenda is planned for board meetings. This may involve periodic meetings with committee chairpersons and the Executive Director to draft annual and meeting agendas and reporting schedules.

The President presides over meetings of the Board of Directors. In this capacity, the President chairs
meetings according to accepted rules of order for the purposes of

  • encouraging all members to participate in discussion;
  • arriving at decisions in an orderly, timely and democratic manner.

Board Committees

  • The President serves to negotiate reporting schedules;
  • to identify problems and assist the committee chairperson to resolve them, and if necessary, to
  • bring them to the attention of the Board of Directors.

Board-Staff Relations

The President is the primary liaison between the Board and the executive director. In this capacity, the president:

  • meets periodically with the executive director;
  • provides feedback to the ASCCC president on the performance of the executive director in his/her capacity as the Foundation executive director;
  • works with the executive director on strategic planning for the Foundation

Community Relations

The President ensures that the Foundation maintains positive and productive relationships with media, funders, donors, and other organizations. In this capacity, the President serves as primary spokesperson for the Foundation. Duties may include:

  • representing the Foundation to the media;
  • representing the Foundation on governmental or nongovernmental organizations and committees; and
  • timely and appropriate reporting of Board decisions and actions to the Academic Senate Executive Committee, funders and donors.

Signing Officer

The President is designated by the Board of Directors as one of the signing officers for certain
documents. In this capacity, the President may be authorized or required to sign checks,
correspondence, applications, reports, contracts or other documents on behalf of Foundation.

Board Development

The President ensures that structures and procedures are in place for effective recruitment, training,
and evaluation of board members.

Fund Raising

The President ensures that structures and procedures are in place for securing the resources required by the Foundation. The President plays a leadership role in fundraising campaigns, grant writing and through personal contributions of service and money.


The President may establish or propose the establishment of committees of the Board, and may assign tasks and delegate responsibilities to board committees and/or directors.

Approved: March 16, 2012