
Roles and Responsibilities for ASFCCC Directors


All officers and directors share responsibilities to perform their duties according to the principles of the Foundation. Directors of the Board will report to the President.

Specific Duties


Directors are expected to attend, either in person or via conferencing, all regular and special meetings of the Foundation during the year(s) of their service. Directors will read provided materials in advance and will participate fully in discussions and vote when necessary. Any director may submit an item for a Board meeting agenda. Attending directors who must travel will be compensated according to adopted rules and any applicable regulations.


Directors who choose to serve on Foundation committees will be expected to carry out delegated responsibilities in a timely fashion and report to the committee chairperson and the Foundation President as directed. Any director wishing to serve as ex-officio on any committee may do so as specified in the by-laws.

On-Going Duties and Responsibilities

  • contribute annually through personal contributions of service and funds to the fund-raising activities of the Foundation;
  • assist in identifying and planning fund-raising activities in support of local senates, the day-to-day operation of the Foundation, and special projects as guided by the Executive Committee of the Academic Senate and its resolution process;
  • directly solicit funds in support of the Foundation through personal contacts, special events, annual campaigns, and any other appropriate fundraising programs;
  • work with others to identify appropriate grants or assist in writing grant proposals;
  • promote long-range fund-raising efforts, including planned giving, corporate gift, estate planning, annuities, trust funds, and other legally recognized methods;
  • review financial reports and the administration and stewardship of all privately donated funds;
  • respond in a timely fashion to all requests made by Board Officers or the Executive Director;
  • support the positions adopted by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges and reflect its values when acting on behalf of the Foundation; and
  • act as ambassador for the Foundation within the community college system and the greater community at large.

Board Development

Directors will partake in any training activities to prepare them for service and may assist the Foundation in identifying potential non-officer Board members for future recruitment.

Approved: March 16, 2012